The diocesan office, in collaboration with holy name of jesus parish is proud to announce an easter mission that will be sure to edify as well as inspire. Please go to prek through grade 6 to find the online form and register for any of our programs. The feast of the holy name of jesus is a feast of the liturgical year celebrated by a number of christian denominations, on varying dates. Our guest speaker is patrick sullivan, catholic lay. We challenge ourselves to deepen our unity as we move forward toward the vision. At a boys circumcision, the father gives him his name. Litany of the most holy name of jesus our ladys warriors. Propers prayers of the mass in the extraordinary form the. Dec 31, 2014 the holy name of jesus january 3 thirteen days of christmas. Whether you have known jesus for years or have never met him at all, this book will help you fall in love with him in a lifechanging way. More books have been written about jesus christ than anyone else in history. Jan 21, 2009 powerful monologue delivered by pastor john during the adult choir christmas musical.
The feast of the holy name of jesus is associated with the feast of the circumcision, for it is when a child was circumcised that he received a name and was accepted as a son of abraham and a full member of his family. We offer the renowned faith formation catechesis of the good shepherd prek thru 6th grade family faith formation classic catechism for 5th and 6th along with offerings for special needs and homesc. The holy name the litany of the holy name of jesus chaplet of the holy name saint bernardine of siena and the power of the name of jesus bernardine of siena. This is something that we can easily start from today and teach. The feast of the holy name of jesus is placed at this time of year because january 1 is the octave day of christmas, and that day was the day jesus, son of joseph, son of mary, underwent the ceremony of circumcision. For lohfink, the phrase in the our father, hallowed be thy name refers less to our making gods name holy than to gods hallowing his own name by that ingathering of israel god spoken of. But jesus cried out again in a loud voice, and gave up his spirit. So honoured is his holy name that devout catholics bow their heads men removing their hats at the sound of jesus. Welcome to holy name of jesus catholic church home page. It is like he hit a homerun and he slowly trots around each of the bases until everyone is on their feet cheering.
John xxiii the extraordinary form of the roman rite this feast is celebrated. Jan 03, 2008 the holy name of jesus jesus most merciful, in early infancy you began your office of savior by shedding your precious blood and assuming for us that name which is above all names. But infused with the holy ghost, breathing life into. The litany of the most holy name of jesus received the churchs approval for private use by pope sixtus v in 1585, and public recitation by pope leo xiii in 1886. The feast of the holy name of jesus is placed at this time of year because january 1 is the octave day of christmas, and. Formalized devotion to the holy name is the fruit of the work of st. He was a member of the albizeschi family, one of the most renowned in the republic of siena. Dominic, saint bernardine of siena and blessed john of vercelli to once. Propers prayers of the mass in the extraordinary form. There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved acts 4. Every catholic should love and have great devotion to the most holy name of jesus, for this is the name of our divine savior. As you may remember from past homilies of this day, the arrival of a king on a donkey was the sign of a kings arrival in peace. The feast of the holy name of jesus has been celebrated in the roman catholic church, at least at local levels, since the end of the fifteenth century. The second sunday after the epiphany, which recalls the marriage feast of cana, was at first chosen as the day on which to honor the most holy name of jesus in the.
Saint paul tells us in his letter to the philippians that jesus name is above every other name. O lord jesus christ, who hast said, ask, and ye shall receive. Any genre theology, novels, biblical studies, historical, biographies, religious or. Optional memorial of the most holy name of jesus january. The veneration of nomina sacra in the form of variants of the christogram has a tradition going back to early christianity. Holy name of jesus is an active, christcentered parish located in wayzata, minnesota. Today the church celebrates the optional memorial of the most holy name of jesus. The society of jesus celebrates its titular feast of the most holy name of jesus on 3 january although in most places, due to the celebration of the epiphany on sunday 3 january, it is transferred in 2016 to 4 january. Most holy name of jesus is a place where families are formed, cultures are celebrated, and each life is blessed with the love of god in bonds of faith as disciples. Discover jesus in every book of the bible jesus is life, love, longevity and law. God the son, redeemer of the world, have mercy on us. Most holy name of jesus parish will be open daily from 10am 6pm.
Litany of the holy name of jesus united states conference. Lord, may we who honor the holy name of jesus enjoy his friendship in this life and be filled with eternal joy in the kingdom where he lives and reigns for ever and ever. It was foretold by the prophets, announced by an angel, proclaimed by the apostles, and desired by all the saints. This is something that we can easily start from today and teach our children. On these pages you will be taken by the hand and led to his loving heart.
It is on the wedding day that the bridegroom gives his name to the bride, and it is the sign that, from that day forward, she belongs to him alone. You will discover jesus as savior, sufferer, servant, shepherd, lover, lord, healer, provider, god and so much. Discover jesus in every book of the bible home the most. The holy name of jesus was invoked by the faithful from the very beginning of the church. The society of jesus celebrates its titular feast of the most holy name of jesus on 3 january although in most places, due to the celebration of the epiphany on sunday 3 january, it is transferred in 2016 to. Originally published in 1960, angelus press was fortunate enough to acquire and sell thousands of originals in years past until those supplies dried up. The second sunday after the epiphany, which recalls the marriage feast of cana, was at first chosen as the day on which to honor the most holy name of jesus in the universal church. We offer the renowned faith formation catechesis of the good shepherd prek thru 6th grade family faith. Our guest speaker is patrick sullivan, catholic lay evangelist.
The most holy name of jesus he second sunday after the epiphany, which recalls the marriage feast of cana, was at first chosen as the day on which to honor the most holy name of jesus. Oct 11, 20 for lohfink, the phrase in the our father, hallowed be thy name refers less to our making gods name holy than to gods hallowing his own name by that ingathering of israel god spoken of through. Litany of the most holy name of jesus lord, have mercy. Deepen in us an abiding reverence for your holy name. On the feast day of the holy name of jesus, january 3rd we can attend holy mass and do something special to honour jesus. I think there is no name more fitting for him than jesus, for scripture says. The feast of the holy name of jesus was introduced in 1530. As you may remember from past homilies of this day, the arrival of a king on. Not only is it comfirmed for me that as a believer the name of jesus is powerful, but it is a treasure to and for us.
Jesus, father of the world to come, have mercy on us. In the fourteenth century it began to be venerated with liturgical celebrations. I have a great responsibility to every day honor that name. Optional memorial of the most holy name of jesus january 03. The holy name of jesus january 3 thirteen days of christmas. The litany of the most holy name of jesus catholic gallery. The story of the most holy name of jesus although saint paul might claim credit for promoting devotion to the holy name because paul wrote in philippians that god the father gave christ jesus that name. Jesus, saviour, heal the wounds within that our sin and fear have inflicted. The holy name the litany of the holy name of jesus chaplet of the holy name saint bernardine of siena and the power of the name of jesus bernardine of siena was born on september 8, 80, feast of the nativity of mary. Powerful monologue delivered by pastor john during the adult choir christmas musical. Please register when your children prepare for school or homeschool by august 1st. An illustrated prayer book for catholic children attending mass, instruction for communion, confirmation, catholic faith, spirituality, perfect for first holy communions and confirmations. The traditional catholic liturgy adapted from the liturgical year by abbot gueranger feast of the most holy name of jesus. The holy see gave its formal approbation to this manner of honouring the name of our saviour, and, in the early part of the sixteenth century, pope clement vi, after long entreaties, granted to the whole franciscan order the privilege of keeping a special feast in honour of the most holy name of jesus.
You will discover jesus as savior, sufferer, servant, shepherd, lover, lord, healer, provider, god and so much more. All nourishment leaves our soul dry, if it contains not that penetrating oil, the name jesus. The holy name of jesus produces holy thoughts in us, fills the soul with noble sentiments, strengthens virtue, lets good works bloom, and nourishes pure affections. The following is a beautiful litany to the most holy name of jesus, which was popularized by saint bernardine of siena in the 15th century.
We come to consider how this holy infant, now born spiritually, shall be named. Litany of the most holy name of jesus catholic doors. It is one that i pray with my family every year on this feast day. The litany of the holy name is a roman catholic prayer, probably of the 15th century bernardino of siena and john of capistrano. The holy name of jesus catholic education resource center. The story of the most holy name of jesus although saint paul might claim credit for promoting devotion to the holy name because paul wrote in philippians that god the father gave christ jesus that name that is above every name see 2. When a fire is lit to clear a field, it burns off all the dry and useless weeds and thorns. Dominic, saint bernardine of siena and blessed john of vercelli to once again propagate to all of christs faithful a very special devotion to the most holy name of jesus and. The holy name of jesus catholic community faith formation. I thank you for such early proofs of your infinite love.
In roman catholicism, the veneration holy name of jesus also most holy name of jesus, italian. The most holy name of jesus parish pembroke, on, can. The holy name of jesus catholic community, one church of many peoples, exists to praise and honor god, to grow together spiritually, and. Ihs monogram, with kneeling angels, atop the main altar, church of the gesu, rome. The holy see gave its formal approbation to this manner of honouring the name of our saviour, and, in the early part of the sixteenth century, pope clement vi, after long entreaties, granted to the whole. The celebration has been held on different dates, usually in january, because 1 january, eight days after christmas, commemorates the naming of the child jesus. Finally, we receive every grace and blessing through the holy name of jesus. John xxiii the extraordinary form of the roman rite this feast is. The holy name of jesus catholic community redlands, ca. It is one of only six litanies approved for public use. Fr tim byron sj of manchesters holy name jesuit community explains the. It is an ancient catholic tradition to bow our heads each time we mention the name of jesus in prayer. Litany of the most holy name of jesus this beautiful litany is over five centuries in use by the faithful, having been composed by the celebrated preachers of the holy name, the franciscan.
He was the most renowned preacher of his days and he always had a great love and admiration for the holy name of jesus. The church celebrates the feast of the holy name of jesus on january 3rd. Jul, 2017 third, the name of jesus protects the person against satan and his temptations. In roman catholicism, the veneration holy name of jesus also most holy. Third, the name of jesus protects the person against satan and his temptations. Soon his fame had spread all over italy, and people came from far distances.
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